We prioritize processing donations accurately based on the instructions provided by our supporters, whether made online or offline. In the rare case of an erroneous donation, we will respond within 7 business days of receiving a valid refund request. The time taken for the refund will vary depending on the payment method used.

To request a refund, supporters must send a written request within 2 days of the donation, including proof of the transaction and bank details. If a donation receipt has already been issued, we ask that the original receipt be returned to our office. Please note that once a tax exemption certificate has been issued, we are unable to process a refund. However, if the error is on our part, we will ensure the donation is reimbursed, covering any associated costs.

If a refund request is not made within the 2-day window, the donation cannot be refunded.

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A/C Holder Name-Lightning Healthcare Trust
Ac no-50200104270548
IFSC code-HDFC0004190
Bank name- HDFC BANK
Account type- Current